Step 01

Clean the surface of your bike so that the vinyl has a clean surface to stick to.
Isopropyl alcohol is ideal.


Use the ultra fresh hygiene swabs provided in your package to wipe down the frame of your bike. 

Step 02.

Peel your vinyl from the sheet and align in how you would like on the Frame. 

Apply lightly, so you can easily adjust the positioning. Firmly apply only when you’re happy with the final positioning.


Step 03.

Smooth the wrap and wrap around the frame, removing air bubbles as you keep tension on the wrap without over stretching the material. Keep in mind the Vinyl is more malleable and easy to handle in warmer conditions.

Step 04.

When you’re happy with the positioning, heat the vinyl with a hairdryer (if you don’t have a heat gun) and apply strong pressure all over the graphic wrap.


 Step 05.

Re-squeegee when cool to ensure maximum adhesion, and you are good to go show off your new BunnyHop bike wrap.

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